Sunday, January 17, 2016

Smallest find at the beach

Roy in Orlando asked me what is the smallest metal target I have ever found at the beach is. 
I am fond of saying, if you can detect small gold you can detect large gold at the beach.  
Fine tuning your metal detector so you can detect small metal targets at the beach is very important, that means you will not miss any targets larger than the smallest target you can detect using your metal detector.
To answer Roy's question, a thin sewing needle is the smallest target I have ever found at the beach. 
Instead of finding a needle in a haystack I found a needle on a beach last month.
You have got to be kidding me was my first thought after I finally picked up the needle.
Oh and the really cool thing, that needle was found while water hunting which made it all the more difficult to recover. 
I often detect targets other beach and water hunters struggle to detect, which I put down to knowing how to fine tune my metal detector settings and using good search techniques. 
Stud ear rings and ear ring backs are a great examples of small targets that many beach and water hunters often never detect or recover.
I predominantly use VLF metal detectors with the discrimination control set in the minimum position. 
Detecting these type of small targets with a pulse induction metal detector is easier, but many pulse hunters do not detect these type of small targets. 
People are probably reading this and thinking so what, who needs small gold I want to detect big gold targets, but small gold targets are often much more expensive than large gold targets. 
For example, expensive solitaire diamond engagement rings and expensive diamond stud ear rings. 
Most expensive diamond rings are all rock and sometimes very little gold, so make sure you are detecting small targets if you want to experience the thrill of seeing a nice solitaire diamond ring in your scoop basket.  
This raw emerald in a 22K gold wire pendant was recovered nearly three year ago, a fine tuned metal detector and searching low and slow paying off again.

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