Friday, January 15, 2016

Emergency detecting repair kit

Bill C asks what items I take to the beach in case of a detecting emergency with my equipment. 
I never leave the house to go beach or water hunting without three things just in case, a spare fully charged battery, a nylon bolt and nut and a roll of electrical tape. 
The most common cause of a shortened beach hunt is a flat metal detector battery, I do not get out metal detecting enough so you can be sure I will not be leaving the beach because my battery is dead. 
The nylon bolt and nut is just in case my search coil bolt breaks, but also just in case I lose a nut or bolt off my arm cuff.
Have you ever tried metal detecting without an arm cuff? Its almost impossible to sweep your search coil and yet so simple to repair. 
I do not actually like use nylon bolts and nuts to fasten my arm cuff to my detector shaft, I prefer a metal nut and bolt. The nylon nut and bolt covers both situations and can be swapped out for a metal cuff bolt when you get home.
The roll of electrical tape is good for securing your search coil cover, and can be used to fasten a stick to your detector shaft if it breaks.  Kind of like a splint, I remember taping my arm to my detector shaft when my arm cuff broke off a few years ago.
Talk about hardcore, I was searching a beach after a good storm and this was the best way to keep me there searching an eroded beach.
From experience I can tell you that is alway the way it happens, during prime beach or water hunting situations something goes wrong with your equipment. 

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