Monday, March 2, 2015

Sometimes, treasure is where you know it is.

After a hectic work week and an even busier family weekend,  I needed a metal detecting fix last night. 
I decided to follow up on a ring I knew was lost about a year ago after a party in the front yard of a house down the street. 
I had offered to recover the lost ring back when it was first lost, but I was told to get lost in no uncertain terms, thats putting it mildly. 
The house has been empty a couple of weeks, so I took our pit bull for a walk and took a metal detector with me. 
I remembered several people looking for the ring close to a cactus bush in the yard, and that is where I started my search. 
It is not very often you get a gold ring on your first signal, but that is exactly what happened last night. 
I used my Lesche tool to cut a plug in the grass and a gold sapphire and diamond band rolled out onto my lesche tool blade, it does not get any easier than that.

This story is a good example of how you can often find gold by just following up on stories of lost jewelry. 
I kind of use the same approach to Spanish treasure hunting, by following up on leads I hear about old coins or artifacts found or rumored to be found. 
The 1836 gold coin on my website was found after seeing a post on a detecting forum, and the Spanish silver religious artifact was found after reading about a rumored wreck site on the Treasure Coast. 
I have a few more leads I intend to follow up on soon, a 2 carat diamond ring lost in an overgrown parking lot and a mason jar of silver dollars buried by a friends grandparents back in the 1950s. 
The same guys grandparents remember picking up round black discs on the beach after a storm in the same area. 
I know many readers of this blog must have been told similar stories, when people find out you are into metal detecting. 

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